Beard Care & Maintenance - The Complete Guide​ for a Perfect Beard (2025)

Table of Contents




Healthy Habits


Grooming Routine


Beard Care Companies

What to Expect From This Guide

Beard care or maintenance requires you to be meticulous about it. There are certain things that you should and must do for you beard to look sharp.

In this guide I'll discuss everything you should, must and shouldn't do.

From beard oil to a good night sleep - there are many things you can start doing that will take your beard to the next level.

I'll describe and explain why and how each of the steps will make your beard healthier.

Your beard will thank you I promise you.

1. Moisturize Your Beard

Moisturized beard is a healthy beard.

Most of your beard problems will probably be solved if you keep your skin and facial hair moisturized and hydrated.

What Should I Use? Beard Oil to the Rescue

Beard oil is one of most important products for any bearded fella.

In the lack of sebum oil, you will need to apply beard oil on a daily basis. It will nurture, hydrate and moisturize your beard and the skin beneath it.

Good things will start to happen once you start using beard oil:

  • 1

    No more dry or itchy beard.
  • 2

    Beardruff will become history.
  • 3

    Your beard will be soft as a cloud.

Make sure you're using natural beard oils. They contain carrier and essential oils which have therapeutic properties that will provide your beard with the nutrients it needs.

Avoid using beard oils with chemicals or silicone.

Usually beard oils are not very expensive. But if you don't want to buy one, there are alternatives:

  • You can buy jojoba oil, almond oil or coconut oil and apply them on your beard.
  • You can make your own beard oil

Beard balms can also be a great product when it comes to moisturizing and conditioning.

There's a difference between balms and oils, usually balms are a better choice when it comes to styling, they can provide hold for your beard.

Beard Care & Maintenance - The Complete Guide​ for a Perfect Beard (5)

2. Keep Your Beard Clean

Cleaning your beard on a regular basis is a MUST.

Your beard is a trap for dead skin cells, food particles, dirt, dust, sweat, bacteria and more (Don't freak out it's not as bad as it seems). This can clog your pores and make your skin dry and itchy.

This is why you need to wash your beard.

Washing Your Beard

Please Don't use a regular hair shampoo intended for use on the scalp. Usually they are full of chemicals and will only make things worse.

The chemicals in such products will strip away the natural oils from your facial hair, you'll be left with a dry and brittle beard.

Use a natural beard shampoo to keep your beard clean, soft, and smelling great. It will clean your beard without stripping it from the natural sebum oil our body produces.

When it comes to beard washes you have two options:

  • 1

    Liquid shampoo or wash
  • 2

    Solid soap bar

Whatever you choose is up to and it's more of a personal preference.

You should wash your beard around 2 times a week - you don't want to overdo it, it will dry out your beard and skin.

Beard Care & Maintenance - The Complete Guide​ for a Perfect Beard (6)

3. Brush & Comb Your Beard

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of brushing & combing your beard every single day.

It has so many benefits:

  • Brush: Evenly distributes your skin's natural oils throughout your beard
  • Brush: Trains your beard's growth direction. Great for shaping
  • Brush: Promotes growth by increasing blood circulation
  • Comb: Keep your beard hair tangle free
  • Comb: Styling your beard

Why do you care about these benefits?

You want each and every hair on your face to be nourished and moisturized, this will really up your beard's look.

Do you want your mustache to curl up in your mouth? It's very annoying... If you'll brush and train your mustache and beard to grow in a certain direction it WILL.

Brushing feels great, it gives a nice massage to your face, the increased blood circulation provides the hair with the good stuff that it needs. It won't do magic, but it might help.

A tangled beard looks bad, a comb is great for fighting these tangles. It's also great for styling, with a comb you can work on small parts in your beard and style them however you like.

The Tools

The common question is what to choose a brush or a comb?GET BOTH.

A comb is better for detangling and styling.
A brush is better for training and general beard's health.

When it comes to picking a beard brush, boar's bristles are consideredthe best brushes, boar's hair has a natural capability to carry oils, this will ensure each and every hair in your beard will be coated and nourished. This will make your beard look amazing.

There are several types of beard combs - I like wooden combs, but it doesn't really matter. Choose what you like.

Don't use cheap plastic combs or hair brushes. they will do more harm than good - snag, scratch and ruin your beard.

4. Trim Your Beard, Cheek & Necklines

If you're just starting your beard journey, I recommend just letting it grow and not trim it for at least 6-8 weeks.

Your facial hairs are growing unevenly in different directions and different pace. On top of that, split ends, damaged and rogue hairs are a common thing.

Occasional trimming is essential to keeping your beard even and healthy. It will keep your beard shaped and sharp.

It's not a trimming guide, but usually you should be trimming at different lengths around you face, the specifics totally depend on the style of your beard.

You need to have beard scissors around and a good trimmer.

It's often easy to forget about them but the cheek and necklines are very important for your looks. They define the borders of your face, so don't neglect them.

5. Take Your Vitamins

Your beard is what you eat.

In order for your beard to to be healthy you'll need to supply it with the right vitamins.

You can get these vitamins via food or supplements. If you decide to maintain a healthy diet it will require more attention and will be time consuming. The alternative is getting some supplements that will provide you all the vitamins you need for healthy growth.

Vitamins, minerals and nutrients that promote hair growth are:

  • Biotin
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Protein

6. Testosterone

Testosterone, the male hormone and DHT in particular have a direct effect on beard growth.

Genetics is a crucial factor here.

Some men are blessed with the capability to produce high amounts of T and DHT and utilize them effectively. Some men are not blessed and can't produce high amounts of DHT.

You can definitely increase your T levels naturally - It might help with a thick and healthy beard growth. It will also have a positive effect on many aspects of your life and body.

The easiest way is through diet and exercise.

<< My guide has 22 ways to increase T levels naturally >>

Incorporate the following in your day to day life:

  • Weight lifting: Squats, bench press, etc.
  • Exercise and keep the weight off
  • Diet: include tuna, milk, eggs in your diet

7. Live Healthy

Living a healthy life style will have an effect not only on your health and life, but also on your beard.

  • Drink Lots of water
  • Make sure you sleep well - it will increase beard growth
  • Try to lower stress levels
  • Excercise

Other than the things you should do, there are things you should avoid

  • Don't pull on your beard
  • Don't overwash your beard
  • Don't overcomb your beard

Beard Care & Maintenance - The Complete Guide​ for a Perfect Beard (11)

Morning Routine

The morning routine is very important, it's time to pamper your beard before leaving out for your day.

  • 1

    Clean your beard: Wash your beard with water. Use a beard shampoo 2-3 times a week.
  • 2

    Dry your beard: Dry it gently with a towel or use a blow-drier. Keep it a tiny bit wet.
  • 3

    Moisturize & Condition: Apply beard oil or a conditioner. As you already know, this is extremely important.
  • 4

    Brush your beard: Distribute the oil throughout your beard
  • 5

    Optional: Apply beard balm for styling and all day conditioning

Note: You don't have to do this in the morning. If your mornings are crazy and you're in a rush, you can do it at night. (Just replace the morning and night routines).

Night Routine

Depending on how your day went. If it was a standard day at the office, you can just wash it with water and apply some beard oil. This is not a must and it depends on your preference.

In case you did some mud wrestling and your beard got very dirty. Wash it with a beard shampoo and apply beard oil.

During the Day

This also depends on how your day is going.

You can reapply beard oil as needed.

In case it's very hot, you can take a water spritzer with you and apply some during the day to keep your beard moisturized.

In case it's winter time and you got caught in the rain, make sure to dry your beard gently, when your beard is wet it's vulnerable and apply beard oil to keep it looking good and healthy.

Honest Amish

One of the oldest brands to enter the market with an impressive lineup of beard care products areHonest Amish.

Based out of Western Pennsylvania and is one of the only companies that manufactures its own products.

Beard Care & Maintenance - The Complete Guide​ for a Perfect Beard (13)

Every single product is handmade and they use 100% organic locally sourced produce as raw material. They do not use any synthetic or man-made chemicals, fragrances or parabens in their products.

You can pick any Honest Amish product without worrying about the quality.

Beard Brand

Established in 2012, beardbrand is a meteor in the beard world.

Beard Care & Maintenance - The Complete Guide​ for a Perfect Beard (14)

Founded by Eric Bandholz, the 'hello internet' bearded fella. Beardbrand produce high quality beard products.

Their vision is to change the way society looks at bearded men.

They have a great blog with tons of great info. Their videos are very educating as well.

Wild Willie’s

Formed by the Manskape Co.,Wild Willie’s is a well known name today among beardsmen. Their range of beard care products includes the popular Beard Butter.

Beard Care & Maintenance - The Complete Guide​ for a Perfect Beard (2025)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.